April 13th 2012

Beautiful sunny day here in Wiltshire. Everybody on the fields today laying the new mats and maintaining the others. Thanks to the downpours the Sedum has come on really well. We have been laying more this year than normal and have some important guests next week so hope it wall all look wonderful when they come!

Trying to add pages to the website which is always tricky when learning a new system! We tried to video Richard and Jim putting a Sedum roof on a shed over Easter but it poured and poured so we had to give up in the end! Hopefully this week we can try again.

Builders in the house today, full on noise and Will, our son is working hard for his GCSE’s. Poor chap is suffering with all the noise! We have found some interesting relics under the old floors,coins and other odds and ends. Can’t wait till it is all finished though as beginning to drive me mad. The new ground source heat pump and solar panels are working a treat though, no more horrid oil bills!!! Bliss!! We are virtually self sufficient now, just the water to sort out. At least no hose pipe ban here!

Big tractor packed up this week so we have had to send it away. Hopefully they are lending us one as it is rather important!! Grass is growing in the fields at a rapid rate so I want to get it topped as soon as possible. On the borders of the Sedum field it is important to keep the grasses down as the weeds will spread otherwise.

On the other fields I have left vast areas for conservation. I have planted wild flowers and have allowed all around the hedge rows a border of uncut grasses and flowers. We have the Goshawk around again which is fun, as well as the little owls who have come back to nest. Kestrels already have one brood which I thought was quite early. The long grass encourages the wildlife so keeping up with our sustainable aims on the farm!

Lots of lambs leaping about as well. Came back yesterday with the evening light backlighting the lambs in the fields, was quite breathtaking.

Have three broody chickens which I missed. Can’t cope with all these chicks! They look very pretty for awhile but too many cocks for my liking, they can be such bullies. Some for the pot soon I think!!

Tomorrow I am going to treat myself to a trip to London to see my daughter. Away from all the dust and noise for a day.

Off down the fields now to see how the new fields are doing and the new varieties we are trying out. Big batch went out today but Richard reckons it was our finest Sedum yet, really good quality.

Elaine Carp, Director Sedum Green Roof.

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Green Roof Code

If you are looking for more technical information and regulation on a green roof system , The Green Roof Organisation published the most recent code in 2014. The link is below grocode2014.pdf (livingroofs.org) Any questions do give us a call on 07470 288957 and Olivia can help you.

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