Green Roof Case Studies
The most recent projects and customer photos can been seen on the blog page, Facebook and Instagram .
There are many more projects both large and small so more pictures to follow! The blog has is the best way to see current work and shared customer projects large and small!

Gloucestershire Summer 2017
Summer 2017
Caroline, So here we are…. the Sedum roof as viewed from the bathroom window. Exactly the right amount of pebbles and a lovely collection of colours in the Sedum. I am really looking forward to seeing this grow. Maurice ….. one very happy customer.

Milford Road, June 2016
Client very pleased with this. The matting is great.
Sedum between Tram Rails Manchester 2015
Click here for the article in the Manchester Evening News about the exciting project.
This was a very big job and still on going! The Sedum has been put in place between the rails throughout the new tramway in Manchester. We have used the S.Pod or modular Tray system provided by our green roof company in order for easy access. If there was any reason that maintenance should require accessing underneath certain areas then this becomes much easier as the module or S.Pod can be lifted out and replaced after inspection. Sedum Green Roof has undertaken trials of this and it works very well indeed.

Green Roof in Gloucestershire UK 2015
Hi Caroline Sorry it has taken so long but we promised to send some photos of our green roof on top of the garage after it had matured for a few weeks. I’ve attached 3 taken a couple of weeks ago which is about 6 weeks after install. The combination of rain and sun at this time of year has proved ideal and we are delighted by the way it has grown and bloomed. In the last two weeks it is even better. If we get round to putting any features on it, such as logs we’ll send you some more.” best wishes, Chris and Jane
New Roof for happy customer with another older one in the background 2015
This roof has only just been laid so colour will spread and become more lush as it establishes. Green Roofs are ideal for boring areas of roof which is overlooked. A sedum green roof will change colour as the seasons change and do not need enormous amounts of maintenance.