Recently we have had a lot of inquiries about the possibility of using green roof trays around solar panels, the simple answer is yes super easy to frame solar panels and the benefits are huge, most of all increasing the efficiency of your panels. Benenifits of using a green...
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Nov 24, 2020
If you are looking for more technical information and regulation on a green roof system , The Green Roof Organisation published the most recent code in 2014. The link is below grocode2014.pdf ( Any questions do give us a call on 07470 288957 and Olivia can help you.
Feb 05, 2020
In : ECO roof, green roof, greenroof, living roof, maintenance, moss, sedum, Sedum tray, UK sedum
You may have realised that we have just had one of the wettest for 6 months in the last decade will almost constant rain until this month. We have seriously struggled here at the farm in Wiltshire due to the fact we are in a clay soil area! This...
Apr 20, 2018
In : green roof, sedum
A green roof can provide important microclimates for insects, bird life and other even rare species.